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Kylie Jenner's Mouthwatering Ramen Recipe - A Celeb Twist to Japan's Classic!

Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe

Learn how to make the delicious Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe! This easy and flavorful dish is perfect for a quick and satisfying meal.

Are you a fan of both Kylie Jenner and ramen? Well, get ready to have your taste buds blown away by the ultimate combination of the two. In this exclusive recipe, Kylie Jenner shares her secret to creating a delectable bowl of ramen that is sure to impress even the most discerning foodies. So, put on your apron and prepare to indulge in a culinary experience like no other!


Welcome to the world of culinary adventures with Kylie Jenner! Known for her glamorous lifestyle and beauty empire, Kylie Jenner has also surprised her fans with her cooking skills. In this article, we will explore Kylie Jenner's famous ramen recipe. Whether you are a fan of Kylie or simply a ramen enthusiast, get ready to indulge in this delicious and simple-to-make dish that has become a favorite among many.


To recreate Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe, gather the following ingredients:

  • 2 packages of ramen noodles
  • 4 cups of chicken broth
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of miso paste
  • 1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup of shredded chicken (cooked)
  • 1/4 cup of chopped green onions
  • 1 soft-boiled egg
  • 1 sheet of nori seaweed (optional)


Step 1: Prepare the Noodles

Begin by bringing a pot of water to a boil. Add the ramen noodles and cook according to the package instructions. Once cooked, drain the noodles and set them aside until later.

Step 2: Create the Base

In a separate pot, heat the chicken broth over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Add the sesame oil, soy sauce, and miso paste to the broth, stirring until the miso paste is fully dissolved.

Step 3: Add the Toppings

Now it's time to add the delicious toppings that give this ramen its unique flavor and texture. Drop in the sliced mushrooms and shredded chicken, allowing them to cook in the simmering broth for a few minutes until they are tender.

Step 4: Soft-Boil the Egg

If desired, prepare a soft-boiled egg to add an extra layer of richness to your ramen. Place an egg in a small pot of water and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat to a gentle simmer and let the egg cook for approximately 6 minutes. Once done, carefully transfer the egg to a bowl of cold water to cool, then peel and set it aside.

Step 5: Assemble and Serve

Divide the cooked ramen noodles into serving bowls. Ladle the flavorful broth, mushrooms, and chicken over the noodles. Top each bowl with chopped green onions and place the soft-boiled egg on the side. For an extra touch, you can also add a sheet of nori seaweed for some added crunch and flavor.

Enjoy Your Kylie Jenner Ramen!

You are now ready to savor the flavors of Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe. This dish strikes the perfect balance between simplicity and taste, making it an ideal meal for lunch or dinner. Whether you're cooking for yourself or impressing friends and family, this recipe is sure to be a hit. So grab your chopsticks, dig in, and enjoy the delightful culinary creation inspired by Kylie Jenner herself!

Introduction to Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe: Discover the secret behind Kylie Jenner's delicious ramen recipe that will have your taste buds craving for more.

When it comes to culinary delights, Kylie Jenner knows how to make a dish that leaves a lasting impression. One of her most beloved recipes is her mouthwatering ramen dish. With a perfect balance of flavors and textures, this recipe is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates. Whether you're a fan of Kylie Jenner or simply looking to elevate your ramen game, this recipe will take your taste buds on a journey they won't soon forget.

Gathering Ingredients: Begin by gathering the necessary ingredients for this mouthwatering ramen dish.

Before diving into the cooking process, it's essential to gather all the ingredients required for Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe. To recreate this delectable dish, you'll need the following:

- Ramen noodles

- Chicken or pork broth

- Protein of your choice (chicken, pork, tofu, etc.)

- Assorted vegetables (carrots, mushrooms, spinach, etc.)

- Toppings such as soft-boiled eggs, seaweed, green onions, and sesame seeds

- Seasonings like soy sauce, miso paste, garlic, and ginger

Once you have gathered all these ingredients, you are ready to embark on the journey of creating Kylie Jenner's ramen masterpiece.

Preparing the Broth: Learn how to make the rich, flavorful broth that forms the base of Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe.

The secret behind any great ramen dish lies in its broth. To recreate Kylie Jenner's recipe, start by heating chicken or pork broth in a large pot over medium heat. Add in your desired seasonings, such as soy sauce, miso paste, garlic, and ginger. Allow the broth to simmer for about 20 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together.

While the broth simmers, you can prepare your protein of choice separately. Cook chicken or pork until tender and set it aside to be added later.

Cooking Noodles to Perfection: Discover the techniques to cook the noodles just right, achieving the perfect texture for your ramen bowl.

The key to achieving the perfect texture for your ramen noodles lies in their cooking technique. Begin by bringing a pot of water to a boil, seasoned with a pinch of salt. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, add in your ramen noodles and cook according to the package instructions. It's important not to overcook the noodles, as they should have a slight firmness to them.

Once the noodles are cooked, drain them and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process. Set them aside until you are ready to assemble your ramen bowl.

Choosing Protein: Explore the various protein options that Kylie Jenner recommends for her ramen recipe, from tender chicken to succulent pork.

Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe offers a range of protein options to suit individual preferences. Some popular choices include:

- Chicken: Tender and juicy chicken breast or thigh meat can be used to add a flavorful protein element to your ramen.

- Pork: Succulent slices of pork belly or shoulder can bring richness and depth to the dish.

- Tofu: For vegetarian or vegan options, tofu can be marinated and pan-fried to provide a satisfying protein substitute.

Choose the protein that appeals to your taste buds and prepare it according to your liking. Once cooked, set it aside until you are ready to assemble your ramen bowl.

Adding Vegetables: Learn how to incorporate vibrant and nutritious vegetables into your ramen bowl, enhancing its flavor and visual appeal.

To make your ramen bowl wholesome and visually appealing, Kylie Jenner recommends incorporating an array of vibrant vegetables. Some popular choices include:

- Carrots: Slice carrots into thin matchsticks for a crisp and colorful addition to your ramen.

- Mushrooms: Sautéed mushrooms bring an earthy flavor and meaty texture to the dish.

- Spinach: Add a handful of fresh spinach leaves to your ramen for a pop of vibrant green color.

Feel free to experiment with other vegetables of your choice to customize your ramen bowl. Prepare the vegetables according to your preference, ensuring they retain their crunch and vibrant colors.

Enhancing with Toppings: Discover the delicious toppings that Kylie Jenner loves to add to her ramen, from crispy seaweed to savory soft-boiled eggs.

No ramen dish is complete without a variety of delicious toppings. Kylie Jenner's favorite toppings include:

- Soft-Boiled Eggs: Cook eggs until the whites are set but the yolks remain slightly runny for a velvety texture.

- Seaweed: Crispy sheets of seaweed add a unique umami flavor and a delightful crunch.

- Green Onions: Thinly sliced green onions provide a refreshing bite and a hint of sharpness.

- Sesame Seeds: Sprinkle toasted sesame seeds over your ramen to add a nutty and aromatic element.

These toppings not only enhance the flavor of your ramen but also elevate its visual appeal. Feel free to add or substitute toppings based on your personal taste preferences.

Perfecting Flavor with Seasonings: Know the secret seasonings that Kylie Jenner uses to elevate the taste of her ramen, creating a truly unforgettable dining experience.

Seasonings play a crucial role in creating an unforgettable dining experience. Kylie Jenner's secret seasonings for her ramen recipe include:

- Soy Sauce: A staple in Asian cuisine, soy sauce adds a savory and slightly salty flavor to the broth.

- Miso Paste: This fermented soybean paste adds depth and complexity to the broth, with its rich umami flavor.

- Garlic and Ginger: Freshly minced garlic and ginger provide a fragrant and aromatic kick to the broth.

Experiment with the amounts of these seasonings to achieve the desired balance of flavors. Remember to taste and adjust as necessary to suit your personal preferences.

Assembling and Plating: Learn the art of assembling and plating your ramen dish to create an Instagram-worthy presentation that is sure to impress.

Now that all the components of your Kylie Jenner-inspired ramen are ready, it's time to assemble and plate your dish. Follow these steps to create an Instagram-worthy presentation:

1. Start by placing a generous portion of cooked noodles into a large bowl.

2. Ladle the flavorful broth over the noodles, ensuring they are fully submerged.

3. Carefully arrange your protein of choice, vegetables, and toppings on top of the noodles.

4. Drizzle any additional seasonings or sauces over the dish for added flavor.

5. Sprinkle some chopped green onions and sesame seeds as a final touch.

Take a moment to admire your beautifully assembled ramen bowl before digging in.

Enjoying Your Kylie Jenner Ramen: Finally, sit back and savor the incredible flavors of your homemade ramen creation, and bask in the satisfaction of having prepared a dish inspired by the renowned Kylie Jenner herself.

Now that you have completed the journey of recreating Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe, it's time to indulge in the incredible flavors you have created. Take a moment to appreciate the rich broth, perfectly cooked noodles, tender protein, vibrant vegetables, and delicious toppings that come together in this extraordinary dish.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy every mouthful of your homemade ramen creation. Share your culinary masterpiece with friends and family, and let them marvel at the fact that you have prepared a dish inspired by the renowned Kylie Jenner herself. Bon appétit!

Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe


Are you looking for a simple and delicious ramen recipe? Look no further than the Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe. Inspired by the famous celebrity, this recipe is easy to follow and packed with flavors that will leave you wanting more. So, let's dive right in!


The following ingredients are needed to make this mouthwatering Kylie Jenner Ramen:

  1. 2 packs of instant ramen noodles
  2. 4 cups of chicken broth
  3. 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  4. 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
  5. 1 teaspoon of minced garlic
  6. 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  7. 1 cup of cooked chicken, shredded
  8. 1 cup of mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, corn)
  9. 2 green onions, chopped
  10. Salt and pepper to taste


To make this delicious Kylie Jenner Ramen, follow these simple steps:

Step 1:

In a large pot, bring the chicken broth to a boil. Add the minced garlic, grated ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Stir well to combine the flavors.

Step 2:

Add the mixed vegetables and shredded chicken to the pot. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables are tender.

Step 3:

While the soup is simmering, cook the instant ramen noodles according to the package instructions. Once cooked, drain the noodles and set them aside.

Step 4:

Add the cooked ramen noodles to the pot of soup. Stir gently to combine all the ingredients. Let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

Step 5:

Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper according to your preference.

Step 6:

Ladle the Kylie Jenner Ramen into bowls and garnish with chopped green onions.

Table Information

Ingredients Quantity
Instant ramen noodles 2 packs
Chicken broth 4 cups
Soy sauce 1 tablespoon
Sesame oil 1 tablespoon
Minced garlic 1 teaspoon
Grated ginger 1 teaspoon
Cooked chicken, shredded 1 cup
Mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, corn) 1 cup
Green onions 2

Enjoy the Kylie Jenner Ramen, a recipe that brings together simplicity and deliciousness in every bite!

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to explore our Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe. We hope you've found this article informative and inspiring, and that you're now ready to embark on a delicious culinary adventure in your own kitchen.


To begin, gather all the ingredients listed in the recipe. Don't worry if some of them are new to you – this is the perfect opportunity to experiment with flavors and discover new favorites. Remember, cooking is all about creativity and making a dish your own.

Once you have your ingredients ready, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the recipe. Make sure to read through the entire recipe before starting, so you have a clear understanding of each cooking stage. This will help you avoid any surprises along the way and ensure that your Kylie Jenner Ramen turns out perfectly.

Throughout the cooking process, don't be afraid to make adjustments according to your personal taste. Whether it's adding a little extra spice, experimenting with different toppings, or even substituting certain ingredients, feel free to tailor the recipe to suit your preferences. Cooking should be an enjoyable experience, so make it your own unique creation.

We hope that our Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe has not only satisfied your hunger for a tasty meal but also ignited a passion for cooking. Don't be afraid to try new recipes and explore different cuisines. Cooking is a lifelong journey of discovery, and there's always something new to learn and enjoy.

Thank you once again for joining us on this culinary adventure. We look forward to welcoming you back soon with more exciting recipes and tips to enhance your cooking skills. Until then, happy cooking!

People Also Ask About Kylie Jenner Ramen Recipe

What is Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe?

Kylie Jenner's ramen recipe is a quick and easy dish that she often enjoys. It consists of instant ramen noodles cooked according to package instructions, with some unique additions to enhance the flavor.


  1. Start by boiling water in a pot. Once the water reaches a boil, add the ramen noodles and cook them according to the instructions on the package.
  2. While the noodles are cooking, prepare the seasoning. Kylie Jenner likes to use the seasoning packet that comes with the ramen noodles, but she also adds some extra ingredients to elevate the taste.
    • Add a spoonful of butter or margarine to the pot for a rich and creamy flavor.
    • Sprinkle in some garlic powder to add a hint of garlic taste.
    • For a spicy kick, you can also add a pinch of chili flakes or hot sauce.
  3. Once the noodles are cooked and the seasoning has been added, stir everything together until well combined.
  4. For added texture and flavor, Kylie Jenner likes to top her ramen with some extras.
    • Sliced green onions add a fresh and vibrant touch.
    • Chopped cilantro adds a pop of herbaceousness.
    • If you prefer some protein, thinly sliced grilled chicken or boiled eggs make great additions.
  5. Give everything one final stir to incorporate the toppings, and your Kylie Jenner-inspired ramen is ready to be enjoyed!

Remember, this recipe is customizable, so feel free to adjust the ingredients and seasoning according to your taste preferences. Get creative and make it your own!